
Chronic Disease | United States

Case 6-2021: A 65-Year-Old Man with Eye Pain and Decreased Vision

Presentation of Case. Dr. Bart K. Chwalisz: A 65-year-old man was admitted to this hospital because of bilateral eye pain and decreased vision. The patient had been in his usual state of health until 8 days before this admission, when constant aching pain developed in the left eye and the left side…

Global Health | United States

Case 3-2021: A 48-Year-Old Man with Transient Vision Loss

Presentation of Case. Dr. Naomi J. Serling-Boyd (Medicine): A 48-year-old man was evaluated at this hospital because of transient vision loss. The patient had been in his usual state of good health until 1 hour before evaluation, when he noticed white "sparkles" flickering in the vision of the left…

Research | United States

Serotonin and Dopamine Linked to Decision-Making

Long associated with reward and pleasure, dopamine and serotonin may also be involved in general cognition, shaping how people perceive the world and act on those perceptions, a new study finds. For the first time, researchers have continuously and simultaneously monitored the two neuromodulators in the human brain. The results, published October 12 in Neuron, […]

Technology | Global

Artificial intelligence solution to a 50-year-old science challenge could ‘revolutionize’ medical research

Inside every cell, thousands of different proteins form the machinery that keeps all living things – from humans and plants to microscopic bacteria – alive and well. Almost all diseases, including cancer, dementia and even infectious diseases such as COVID-19, are related to the way these proteins function. Because each protein’s function is directly related […]

Infectious Disease | Global

A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics

Although several experimental therapeutics for Ebola virus disease (EVD) have been developed, the safety and efficacy of the most promising therapies need to be assessed in the context of a randomized, controlled trial.We conducted a trial of four investigational therapies for EVD in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where an outbreak began in August 2018. […]

Global Health | United States

Sourcing Photoreceptor-like Cells for Treating Vision Loss

The neurosensory retina is a complex ecosystem composed of precisely layered and diverse neurons, multiple vascular plexuses, and glial cells. It is here that visual signals from the environment are processed and conducted through the optic nerve to the visual cortex to create the vivid images that…

Chronic Disease | Global

Advances in the Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer

Breast cancers are heterogeneous with variable morphologic features, biologic behavior and response to therapy. Traditional histopathologic features such as size, grade, and lymph node status may be used to provide a general estimate of outcome, stratifying patients into broad prognostic groups with prescribed guidelines for therapy. With this approach however, up to 85% of breast […]

Infectious Disease | Global

An Alternative Treatment to Control the Respiratory Complications During COVID19

Considering the emergence of the global Covid-19 pandemic and the current lack of vaccines and therapies partially effective to treat severe cases, we would like to consider the use of GK-1, a novel peptide that we have found to enhance and immunomodulate the immune response to an antigenic challenge of different sources. We summarize below […]

Infectious Disease | South Africa

Assessing primary health care nurses knowledge toward immunizations: A quantitative study

Background: The current nursing workforce needs to be skilled, confident, and competent to address the rapid change in Primary Health Care services, to align with the National Vision of Qatar. This is emphasized in the Primary Health Care Strategy 2018-2023. This strategy outlines the need of having a skilled nursing workforce to administer and educate […]

Infectious Disease | Global

Comparison of the performance of machine learning algorithms in breast cancer screening and detection: A protocol

Background: Breast Cancer (BC) is a known global crisis. TheWorld Health Organization reports a global 2.09 million inci-dences and 627,000 deaths in 2018 relating to BC. The traditionalBC screening method in developed countries is mammography,whilst developing countries employ breast self-examination andclinical breast examination. The prominent gold standard for BCdetection is triple assessment: i) clinical examination, […]